Crime Rates in Victoria – September 2016
In the year ending September 2016, there were 543,315 offences recorded by Victoria Police, an increase of 11.6% from 487,017 offences in the previous year. This resulted in an offence rate of 8,975.4 offences per 100,000 people in Victoria, an increase of 9.4% from the year ending September 2015.
Over the past five years, the offence rate per 100,000 people in Victoria has been steadily increasing, with an average annual increase of 5.4%.
Victorian offence rate per 100,000 population, October 2011 to September 2016
In the year ending September 2016, the number of offences within the category of Crimes against the person increased by 10.3% (7,248 offences) from the year ending September 2015. This was driven by an increase in Assault and related offences of 12.6% (4,780 offences), which was a statistically significant upward trend. Dangerous and negligent acts endangering people and Stalking, harassment and threatening behaviour offences also increased by 20.5% (947 offences) and 5.1% (617 offences) respectively, contributing to the overall increase in this category. Assault offences continue to be the largest offence type in this category, making up over half (55.1%) of all Crimes against the person offences with 42,754 offences recorded.
Data extracted from